Monday, September 9, 2013

New: featured materials displays in Mantor Library!

Remember how, in the days before Netflix, you used to go to a video store to rent movies? And the stores would sometimes have "staff picks" shelves that made you want to hang out with certain employees because their picks were quirky and smart and funny? (And some picks made you want check various crime databases, in case you were ever alone in the store with the guy who loved all the creeper movies...but I digress.)
This year, we're trying something along those lines. Every month, a display in the browsing room will feature specially selected materials. Sometimes the materials will be inspired by a special theme. For instance, this month's display honors Banned Books Week, and offers banned and challenged books from the 1950s to the very latest in controversial fiction.

So come on in, and join the forces of good by fighting censorship - check out and read a banned book.  For even more radical good times, take a selfie holding your book, and post it to the library Facebook page with the comment: "Caught Reading Banned Books", or "I'm with the Banned."  We'll see who the real Freadom Fighters are around campus!

Next month, scary movie buff Bryce will be offering up an Octoberfest of gore galore. In February, we'll be playing the dating game (as several of you have suggested) and offering up Blind Dates with Books. Those are just a couple of the features we have planned. And hey, don't be afraid to let us know what you think of our themes and choices - we love hearing from you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I am in. Where are all the magical, sexy banned books, please? Nymphs, goats, witches and psychopath geeks section, you looking for me? I'll be right there.
